Personal attacks, bigotry, fighting words, otherwise inappropriate behavior or content, comments that insult or demean a specific user or group of users will be removed. All posts and comments must follow Reddiquette.Please submit posts of this nature to to r/HalfLifeLounge. image macros, "One-liner" jokes), streams, generic Let's Plays, reposts, spam, rants, etc. Low-value submissions that may detract from meaningful discussion are not allowed.

Important Valve and Steam news may be allowed per Moderator discretion. Submissions must be directly related to the Half-Life franchise.We have a few light rules to keep discussion upbeat and interesting, check them out below! You've come to the right place to discuss Half-Life. You have chosen, or have been chosen to subscribe to our subreddit. Update Changelogs are located in the Change Notes.Welcome. *NOTICE* VJ Base is required for this addon to work! Linkįound a bug? Post it in the Bug Reports under Discussions. Please note that not all models will look normal! I can not fix this, when merging two models together they are going to have completely different rigs so for them to look kind of weird is completely expected. There is also a convar for enabling the infection animation (only works with standard headcrabs). The time interval for this can be changed through console commands. If a standard headcrab infects someone, that headcrab will mutate after X seconds into either a fast zombie/headcrab or a poison zombie/headcrab.

The infected individuals will retain their model of course. All headcrabs are capable of infecting living NPCs/players, specifically ones that use a Valve Biped skeleton. This is a SNPC pack consisting of Headcrabs/Zombies which feature a unique infection system as well as mutation.